The Screwtape E-mails



I see you are very familiar with today’s technology. I am impressed, however don’t look over an obvious tool; the lie of their safe place within the church. I have clarified to you in the past that I mean the church as they see it presently. Of course, they see it as the “Body of Christ”, but easily mistaken it for a place they do most of their rewarded work. Not all our patients have this desire, but most this desire is elementary. Our best move in these situations are to make them feel as if their volunteering and leadership is what defines them. Most would argue that the best strategy is to make them feel as if they need to do these things to be granted salvation. I find this a lazy act and it does not yield to long term results. Don’t take my advice lightly. I am here to see you achieve. Your current patient is a devout church attender with a record of large amount of volunteer hours in their ministry for the young. The key here is to not have him find identity in the enemy, but in himself. Need I repeat this? You must have him find all his worth in himself serving the church. I have seen this to be a successful strategy. When leading a group of young people, they find it thrilling to be given such a enthusiastic response. I have seen familiar responses likes these in past military situations. Like a general who finds pride and power in leading patriotic sacrificial men, similar to an older person leading a group of young people. Of course this isn’t a war, but I found the same emotional response to be given. Have your patient enjoy the feeling of being in power and divert him from thinking this is for the enemy, but for his own personal gain. For them it feels good to be followed and respected. Most of all, they like to feel wanted. If you can make those things aid you in this process, you will find success not too far away. Patients who volunteer are more restive to these additions. While they are hidden tricks, I have found them the best use of confusing their worth. These inner struggles are unrecognizable and can assist in drawing them farther from the enemy. You must make them believe they aren’t doing this for the glory of our enemy, but their own personal desire to feel wanted and feel power. Like I said earlier in this letter, it isn’t the method of making them believe it will gain salvation, rather for their own self identity.

Your affectionate uncle



Wormwood –

It has been awhile since we last spoke. Times have changed and I find it increasingly harder to use technology. Of course, you are much more familiar with it than I. But I have noticed some changes in technology that may assist you with you current patient. Lucky for us, smartphones have been increasingly more popular. This is in our favor, due to that fact it contributes to the ongoing distractions these humans are surrounded by. I remember when we last wrote, only radios and televisions were the technological distractions of the day. While I still believe these are essential tools, I find it more valuable that you utilize the use of smartphones. I have found that if any odd ideas may come into their heads, it is easily deserted after the smartphone is in hand. While this makes our job much easier, we must not stop there. If we can add more distractions to his daily life, he will never find time to think of these odd ideas of knowing the enemy. They are not conscious of the noise in their lives. Many are truly unaware of how distracted they are. Most of their time is spent looking on facebook, twitter, and a thing called Instagram. These items are tools we can use to distract them, but the key is to use them correctly. You must use them to divert their attention. The best use of these phone applications are to make them feel inadequate or alone. But overall, the key here is to distract them from the enemy and overall their own thinking. Please look into other daily distractions that may support your work. Besides the hustle and bustle of living, look for distractions within your patient’s home. Do feel free to write me back on this new email address.

Your Affectionate Uncle
